Mar 2, 2020 | Article, Lunch Hour Talks
Speaker: Natalie Conyer Topic: Present Tense When South Africa moved from apartheid to majority rule, locally produced crime fiction became extremely popular. Why was this? What does crime fiction have to say about the new South Africa, and how does it deal with...
Dec 2, 2018 | Announcement, Article
Marie joined the Board of Jessie Street National Women’s Library as Treasurer in 1995 and remained on the Board until 2014. Her support for the Library dates back to its founding in 1989. She was drawn by the concept and had long admired Jessie Street for her...
Dec 1, 2018 | Annual Luncheon Speaker, Article
Topic: The narcissists, the nefarious and the ne’er do wells: tales of an investigative journalist Kate McClymont gave a fascinating talk about the tales of an investigative journalist. She told us that investigative journalism looks beyond the daily news in an...