The Board of Management is elected annually and consists of four Executive Members: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and no fewer than five ordinary members, each of whom must be a financial member of the Library. All Board Members may stand for re-election. The Board administers the Library’s operations and finances, issues a quarterly newsletter and oversees all fundraising events.
Current Executive (AGM 16 April 2024)
Christine Yeats (Chair), Suzanne Marks (Vice-Chair), Jean Burns (Treasurer), Sherri Hilario (Secretary)
Board Members
Michele Ginswick, Robyn Harriott, Barbara Henery, Christine Kibble, Janet Ramsay and Beverley Sodbinow
Annual Report 2023
The Library’s Annual Report is attached. The Library operates on a calendar year basis so the Annual Report endorsed at the Annual General Meeting is from the year before.